Título: American Crime Stories
Colección: Oxford Bookworms Library, Stage 6 (2500 headwords)
Adaptación: John Escott
ISBN-13: 978 0 19 423079 7
ISBN-1O: 0194230791
Sinopsis Interior: (Atentos! Lo siguiente está en inglés... y no tengo ganas de traducirlo =P)
Criminals in the United States of America are much the same as criminals in any other place. They lie, cheat, steal, carry guns, break into houses — and murder people. Sometimes they get caught, sometimes they don't. And some of them have bad dreams for the rest of their lives.
These seven stories by well-known American writers show us the many faces of crime. There are murders of passion, and of revenge; murders that look like suicides or accidents. There is robbery and mugging, fear and hate, love and laziness. There are the innocent and the guilty — but which are which? And there are the detectives: the amateur Louise, who won't accept that her cousin's death was suicide, and who goes looking for a lipstick; and the coolly professional private eye, who knows whose hand is behind the machine guns and hand grenades on a stormy night in Couffignal.
We begin with Death Wish, with a man leaning over the Morrissey Bridge late at night- a man with dark thoughts of suicide in his mind...
Este libro, perteneciente a la colección Oxford Bookworms Library, lo leí para la clase de inglés. los cuentos que incluye son (entre paréntesis les pongo una clasificación individual):
Death Wish - Lawrence Block (4,5/5 ★)
Death on Christmas Eve - Stanley Ellin (4,5/5 ★)
The Heroine - Patricia Highsmith (5/5 ★)
Ride the Lightning - John Lutz (4/5 ★)
The Lipstick - Mary Roberts Rinehart (4/5 ★)
Lazy Susan - Nancy Pickard (3,5/5 ★)
The Gutting of Couffignal - Dashiel Hammett (3,5/5 ★)
La puntuación general es de 4 ★. Como se observa en las puntuaciones individuales, algunos cuentos me gustaron más que otros, es una cuestión obvia. Algunos eran fáciles de entender y seguir, pero hay otros, como The Gutting of Couffignal, que son más difíciles y me perdí un poco en la historia.
Pero, para los que quieran practicar lectura en inglés, les recomiendo que lo lean. Además, atrás, como es un libro de práctica para estudiantes de inglés, trae ejercicios e información extra sobre los autores.
The man said nothing for a long time, then he threw his cigarette over the rail and watched it hit the water. He turned to face the cop. 'My name's Edward Wright. I don't think I'd have done it. Not tonight.' Death Wish. Lawrence Block
me podes decir como termina la historia de Ride Lightning??´porfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa